My dear Idol

            I've been laboring this post for a long, long time. It took me forever to define my English voice. To me it sounds like a 15-year old boy: high-pitched, broken with notes of adulthood, but yet so immature. Hiding behind he pile of numerous excuses, I made a decision not to bring so many writings to life. I simply thought I am not enough. I am less than ----- (fill in the blank with a name). In fact, it is so tempting to think about yourself in that manner. So "humbling". So PERFECT. It is a perfect platform for pride, or for jealousy.  I will shrink my self-image and I will magnify others. Sounds almost John-the-Babtist-ish ( "He must become greater; I must become less" John 3.30), but this is not the case. The case is that...
           Somewhere inside of us has been created a need for a person to adore, to follow, to  be infatuated with...
It smells like a tendency in modern Christianity to  have THE ONE. The one who...
     expresses themselves
     holds their life position
     has a bright personality
     looks appealing
     writes tons of books
     and Bible studies!
and of course - is easy to follow. A perfect ONE. A ONE I will never be. 
It is easy to get into a trap of infatuation.  To look up to the perfect ONE out of the place of imperfection and insecurity. To take God's qualities and features and "stick" them onto a human. It's so easy to miss out on the Holy Spirit. To consider His work as a work of some certain human being.  Because...
      Somewhere inside of us has been created a need for a person to adore, to follow, to be  infatuated with...
            It almost makes me "holier". And also - it almost makes me "divinize" modern Christian idols. Ahem.. I mean, leaders...
          It is a big deal! When you catch someone's look full of adoration while speaking about a famous christian, when you hear people quoting people, taking every word as a pure dime:  "Oh yes! She said this. Then it *should* be true!" When you see people loose the guard and eat every word. It is a BIG DEAL!  When you hear people arguing over one or the other christian celebrity, debating over their beliefs and statements. It IS A BIG DEAL!

     Somewhere inside of us has been created a need for a person to adore, to follow, to be  infatuated with...

      They aren't closer to God than you. They're just listening to the Holy Spirit, writing down what He says and pass it on. Never should be claimed as someone's personal "intellectual property".  Because if you do - you are stealing from God.  There is a HUGE warning beaming like a stop light every time I write or speak: 

Now I have applied these things [that is, the analogies about factions] to myself and Apollos for your benefit, believers, so that you may learn from us not to go beyond what is written [in Scripture], so that none of you will become arrogant and boast in favor of one [minister or teacher] against the other. For who regards you as superior or what sets you apart as special? What do you have that you did not receive [from another]? And if in fact you received it [from God or someone else], why do you boast as if you had not received it [but had gained it by yourself]? (words of Paul in 2 Corintians 4:6-7, AMP)

We don't have divine wisdom from our own. Father gives it to us when we ask: 

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. ( James 1:5, NIV)

    Somewhere inside of us has been created a need for a person to adore, to follow, to be infatuated with...
 And it is the ONE - the Son of GOD. There is no one who can take Jesus' place in our lives. There are no substitutes. Listening to a an hour-long sermon of a famous talented speaker will not replace the time when you read your Bible.  Having a conversation at the Bible study will not replace prayers to Abba Father.   I am not saying that sermons and Bible studies are bad and should be burned altogether - no! There is time and place for it. But never should it substitute your relationship with God. It's like If I'd date my husband over the phone (which I did ;)) and then married him and kept doing the same! I need him face to face. It's the same with God. We need Him face to Face. Spirit to Spirit.  We still need to come to Him. Adore Him. Follow Him. And if there is anyone worthy our infatuation - it should be Him! 
And if I am writing this it doesn't mean that I am not guilty. I do that. You do that. We all do that. Let's work through it together. And let's keep each other accountable.


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